Friday, April 27, 2012

School is winding down. Chinese school ends in mid-March and Elementary School ends a week later. Summer will be busy - no doubt about that. Lilah Grace will go to camp and will continue her studies. She'll be taking Mandarin and will also take phonics based reading lessons. She just started allergy shots so that will take about 45 minutes once or twice a week.

I'll be doing more driving and my work is looking to be more demanding and stressful. We don't have any vacation plans for summer. None. Nada. That makes me a little sad. I really need some down time. We're slated to go on a cruise this fall, but I'm not certain that we will. I'm trying to make 2012, "The Year of Saving Money." Great goal, but not very fun.

We did get a new puppy named Turner. He is a Catahoula Leopard Dog and is six months old. He is full of himself and into everything. I love the youthful energy in the house even though he's quite a bit of trouble. He's going to be Lilah Grace's dog which she loves. Toby has always seemed to prefer me. I've heard it said that our dogs pick us and that does seem to be true at least in our case.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Next Week

Lilah Grace will be five at the end of October so she can't go to Kindergarten until next year. She'll move to the "big kids" preschool room on Tuesday. She's excited, but also sad that she'll be leaving her teachers Miss Angela and Miss Jennifer. They taught her the months, the days of the week, the alphabet, phonics and how to spell her first words. She learned the pledge of allegiance, about the stars and stripes of the flag and can tell you all about the president and his family.She entered their class a year ago a quiet, reserved and cautious child and is leaving as a confident, outgoing and boisterous little ball of fire. She's blossomed this past year. Now, how in the world do you thank her teachers enough for that?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cheerleading Pics

Cheerleading pictures were scheduled for 9:00 a.m. today. The girls all looked so cute in their uniforms. They were so excited they played chase, giggled, screamed and danced in circles. I was afraid we'd be nursing skinned knees before the first picture was taken. Luckily, it all went without a hitch. I can't wait to see the ones taken by the photographer. I took a few just because I couldn't not do it.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Playing "China"

On Sunday night, Lilah Grace wanted to play "China." I played Orphanage Director, I played American Momma and I played the part of the Chinese Foster Mother. This imaginary play was important and not just a game.

Lilah Grace told me she wanted to "borrow" a Chinese baby. I told her that if she wanted a baby to join her family forever and ever she could adopt one, but that China didn't allow families to borrow babies.

She also asked me, "What if I don't like the baby I'm given?" I told her that some special people in China selected a baby for a parent or parents and they made sure a perfect match was made. I told her how much I loved the baby China had given me.

Lilah Grace also told me her baby (stuffed animal) wanted to stay with her Chinese Foster Mother. I told her that I was so glad the baby loved the Foster Mother, but babies weren't allowed to stay with them. The baby could visit the foster family, but she had to go back to America with her forever family.

Lastly, Lilah Grace asked me how much she needed to pay for her baby. I told her that babies weren't bought, but if she wanted to leave a donation to help pay for the food and clothes for the other babies in the orphanage she could.

Lilah Grace was all smiles during these exchanges. What an interesting and imaginative way to voice her questions and concerns. I'm sure this will come up again. I'll be ready... after all, it's my job. The job I love most in this world.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I've learned alot over the past few months. Mom and Dad are now safely and happily living in an Assisted Living Facility. They have stuff - tons of stuff. They've been married for over 56 years. We'll be selling their condo soon. We have to get it ready to sell and we have to do something with all the things in their home. A dresser Mom got as a High School Graduation gift. China that was originally owned by my mother's mother. Pictures, coats, quilts, books, furniture, kitchen items... It's almost overwhelming. Have I mentioned that I'm sentimental? Almost everything means something to me. There are many many items that I gave them as a gift. I want my daughter to have some of their things - not because they're expensive or unique, but because they were theirs. I want her to have a piece of them to keep with her all her life. They love my daughter, deeply and completely. There's tons of stuff in this world, but there's not enough of that type of love.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Our Community

I really do love where we live. It's a small town. Friendly people, nice slow pace... I like that:
  • I can hear a train rumble through town on a quiet summer evening
  • I pass green pastures dotted with livestock and old women tending gardens on the way home from work
  • Homemade signs advertising Free Kittens, Lost Dogs, and Teenage Boys looking for Yardwork are posted at the local supermarket
  • If you call someone and get the wrong number, they'll either know the right number or they'll try to get it for you
  • Your child can attend a week-long camp and they ask for your registration and fees at the end of the week
  • The local Tea Room lets little girls come dressed like princesses and clomp up and down the stairs in high heeled shoes during the noon rush.
  • You know the managers of the local businesses, the pastors of the churches, the teachers, the coaches and the bag boys at the grocery.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

End of Summer Swim Lessons

Lilah Grace had her last swim lesson of the summer tonight. I'll be happy to have the extra time back, but I'm a little sad that she won't be seeing Mr. Mike until after the first of the year. It's so hard to find a good coach and he is superb. He is attune to Lilah Grace and is both playful and when necessary, firm. He calls her out when she's not working hard enough and hugs and kisses her when she's really trying or when she learns a new skill. A great male role model, swim coach and friend... Mr. Mike, I can't thank you enough.